Understanding Continuous Improvement: Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Activities

Rationale: The development of goals and objectives to be obtained through strategies and activities is an essential component of executing a continuous improvement plan. In short, the Needs Assessment completed during Phase II expresses the school or district’s CURRENT STATE, while goals, objectives, strategies and activities should succinctly plot the school or district’s course to their DESIRED STATE. Here are the operational definitions of each:

Goal: Long-term target based on Kentucky Board of Education Goals. Schools may supplement with individual or district goals.

Objective: Short-term target to be attained by the end of the current school year.

Strategy: Research-based approach based on the 6 Key Core Work Processes designed to systematically address the process, practice or condition that the school/district will focus its efforts upon in order to reach its goals/objectives.

Activity: The actionable steps used to deploy the chosen strategy.

Key Core Work Processes: A series of processes that involve the majority of an organization’s workforce and relate to its core competencies. These are the factors that determine an organization’s success and help it prioritize areas for growth.

Guidelines for Building an Improvement Plan

There are 5 required District Goals: Proficiency, Gap, Graduation rate, Growth, and Transition readiness.

There are 4 required school-level goals:
    For elementary/middle school: Proficiency, Gap, Separate Academic Indicator, Growth, and Transition readiness.
    For high school: Proficiency, Gap, Graduation rate, and Transition readiness. There can be multiple objectives for each goal. There can be multiple strategies for each objective.There can be multiple activities for each strategy.

1: Proficiency

State your Proficiency Goal